Saturday, April 22, 2017

Reflection on Crit Number 4

Reflection on the Crit:

  • Building is too large 
  • Didn't stick to perspectives
  • Building is boring/commercial
  • Why an aquarium?
  • If the windows were important, why were they not on the exterior?

Reflection on the Project:

I greatly enjoyed this method of design with cutting out pieces of the pictures and perspectives and creating something from them. I found it interesting seeing how you could use rotation to make something really different. However, during the crit I realized that there were challenges to this method of design.

For one thing, perspectives are a difficult thing to measure, so there was a lot of variation from design to design with final building sizes, and some people's perspectives didn't seem to match with the size of their buildings. I had the problem that one out of three of my original created perspectives showed a huge space, so that part of my building became ginormous since I was staying true to my perspectives.

Also some people struggled with interpreting the directions about how our building was supposed to be inspired by the created perspectives. Some people had to change their 3 views drastically due to the abstract qualities of the originals. Others such as myself seemed to have made design changes for practical reasons. In the end it all came down to variation in the interpretation of the project directions.

It was very interesting seeing how many different programs were selected, and some of the selected programs were extremely creative. I felt like the fact that we were allowed to choose a program allowed us to enjoy the project more, but at the same time it created problems. While someone may look at a created perspective and see a restaurant, an aquarium, or a boat house, other people might see something entirely different and therefore not understand the choice. Especially because a lot of the original created perspectives were either vague or abstract, they really could have been a lot of different things.

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